
If you visited this site, you are not indifferent to the visual arts. This site is intended for professionals, is a collection of works by artists from Uzbekistan, and is constantly updated.

The objective of the project: The promotion of fine art is an opportunity to help students and artists enjoy the work of their colleagues.

Reason for developing the site: Access to the works of artists regards limited, catalogs remain on bookshelves, and exhibitions are periodically limited.

Artworks on the site: The artworks were photographed or scanned from reproductions.

Please note: The digital image of the works does not represent the colors correctly and completely. There may be errors for technical reasons. If you find a mistake, let us know.

The name of the project: The name “Online Catalog of the Artists of Uzbekistan” was formed based on the nature of the project. The name of the site is taken from the English initials of the name of the project (online Catalog of the Artists of Uzbekistan).

Project author: Rashidov Jamshid

From my student years, I was learning about the works of artists of Uzbekistan from catalogs and exhibitions, but soon I found that I was not familiar with the works of some artists. At that time, the idea of developing an online resource for collecting works by artists appeared. There are many resources on the Internet dedicated to the visual arts, but they mainly represent the world classical art. That is why I tried to develop an online resource for the fine arts of Uzbekistan. I hope this project will be useful for everyone!

The site opened on December 22, 2019. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or suggestions regarding the project, you can send me an email to info@ocau.uz.

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2024-08-04 08:21:07
Hello, How can I purchase the paintings? Привет, Как я могу приобрести картины?

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