(April 17-21, 2023, Tashkent city from 9:00 to 18:00)
Day of the Republican Art School. P. Benkova.
10:00 - Flower laying ceremony at the monument to Kamoliddin Behzod. The park area of the Museum of Oriental Miniature Art named after K. Behzoda
11:00 – Opening ceremony of the Festival of Fine and Applied Arts. Exhibition of foreign artists. Central Exhibition Hall.
Showing models of historical costumes prepared by students of the Republican Art School. P. Benkova. Central Exhibition Hall.
12:30 - Performance by the orchestra and ensemble of doirists of the Bukhara Specialized Boarding School of Arts under the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Head Akhror Eliyev.
14:00 - Presentation from the Nevskaya Palitra Artistic Paint Factory. Conference hall of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan.
15:00 - Master - class on painting by Timur Rakhmetov from the ZHK "Nevskaya Palitra". Central Exhibition Hall. 2nd floor.
15:00 - Photo exhibition "France and its exceptional heritage" in collaboration with the French Embassy in Uzbekistan. Gallery of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
18:00 - Personal exhibition of Saidbek Sabirbaev. Tashkent House of Photography.
Day of the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Behzoda
10:00 - Master class on applied arts of the section of applied arts of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan.
Ganch masters - Bahodir Sultanov, Nosir Malikov.
Masters of painting - Shakirov Gairat, Mansurkhodzhaev Burkhonkhodzha, Kamilov Dilshod.
Wood carving masters - Akhmednazarov Shukhrat, Abdurakhmonov Abdumajid.
Central Exhibition Hall.
11.00 - Opening of the international exhibition "Meeting of artists of the Turkic world" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the organization TURKSOY. Gallery of fine arts of Uzbekistan.
12:00 - "Grace" - Showing models of modern and traditional clothing, prepared by students of the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Behzoda. Central Exhibition Hall
12:30 - Master - class of Dmitry Akhunbabaev from the ZHK "Nevskaya Palitra" Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan.
14.00 - Master class by Saidbek Sabirbayev from the ZHK "Nevskaya Palitra". Tashkent House of Photography.
14.30 - Serik Pirmatov's master class. Graphic design, logo development methods. Conference hall of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan.
15:00 - Round table on the topic: "Development of multilateral cooperation of the member countries of TURKSOY". Conference hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
16:00 - Opening of the exhibition of the easel painting department of the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Behzoda. Caravan - shed culture them. I. Hiroyama
16:30 - Master class in painting by Maria Tretyakova - teacher of the College of Design and Decorative Arts of the RSHPU named after. S.G. Stroganova (Moscow). Caravan - shed culture them. I. Hiroyama.
Day of the Republican Specialized School of Design
10:00 - Opening of the exhibition of ceramist, teacher of the Republican Specialized School of Design Yury Nikolayevich Kim. Tashkent house - photos
10:20 - Acrylic master class by Alisher Khamdamov together with Nevskaya Palitra. Gallery of fine arts of Uzbekistan.
10:30 - International scientific and practical conference from the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Bekhzod “Design at the intersection of science and art. Conference hall of the National Institute of Arts and Design. K. Behzoda.
12:00 - Demonstration of models of modern and traditional clothes prepared by students of the Republican Specialized School of Design. Central Exhibition Hall.
14:00 - Round table on "Museum design: practice and experience". Conference hall of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
14:30 - Pastel master class by Elena Labetskaya together with the Tashkent city center of Polish culture "Zazheve" and the trademark "GAMMA". Central Exhibition Hall
15.00 - Vitaly Rudzit acrylic master class from the GAMMA trademark. Caravan - shed culture them. I. Hiroyama.
15:30 - Master class on painting by TURKSOY exhibition participants Gahryman Gochmuradov and Toyly Chopanov together with the GAMMA trademark. Gallery of fine arts of Uzbekistan.
16.00 - Opening of the exhibition and awarding the winners of the traditional creative competition for young artists "Followers of Kamaliddin Behzod". (Miniature and applied art). Specialized Republican specialized school of design.
16:30 - Opening of the exhibition of students of the Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture.
17.00 - Opening of the personal exhibition of the film artist Reyimova Anastasia "Wandering". Tashkent House of Photography.
Day of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan
10:00 - Scientific and practical conference "EGO XXIV". Young artists: a new wave? Curator: professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences